Find more CONNECTION in your marriage with simple, daily habits.
Catholic Marriage Workshop
Experience the four-part program
that has helped THOUSANDS of Catholic marriages
re-ignite their spark. ✨
What is the Little Way of Marriage?
The Little Way of Marriage is a spiritual and practical roadmap to help your Catholic marriage, based on the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux.
St. Therese became one of the greatest saints by learning to do little things with great love.

St. Therese teaches us:
🌹 how to be other-centered
🌹 how to trust in God
🌹 how little actions done for others with great love can transform our lives (and the world!)
The Little Way of Marriage takes those powerful spiritual truths from St. Therese and shows you step-by-step how to apply them to your marriage.
Following this “little way” can open your marriage to more of the peace, joy and connection that God has in store for you!
Experience the four-part program
that has helped THOUSANDS of Catholic marriages
re-ignite their spark. ✨
Little Way of Marriage Workshop

You will receive
Session 1, Letting God In (Value: $9)
Session 2, Little Acts of Love (Value: $9)
Session 3, Little Way of Marriage (Value: $9)
Session 4, Your Next Step (Value: $9)
PDF Downloads (Value: $9)
Recorded Q/A calls with Sarah and Nathan (Value: $49)
Audio Downloads (Value: $15)
Tools to reconnect (Priceless!)
Total Value: $109
By registering, you are also supporting our work
of strengthening Catholic marriages around the world!
Thanks for your support!
What's Inside the Workshop?
Workshop sessions are on-demand. You can watch them any time from inside the workshop.
Session 1: “Letting God In”
You’ll learn the easiest and most powerful way to invite God into your Catholic marriage with a unique form of couple prayer — and it can be done together, OR it can be done with just one of you praying!

Session 2: “Little Acts of Love”
You’ll learn 2 spiritual truths that you must embrace to live out a happy marriage.
You will also learn 2 simple, daily habits inspired by St. Therese to help you walk the Little Way in your own marriage every day.
This session is packed with practical ways to actually live out our beautiful Catholic understanding of marriage.

Session 3: “The Little Way”
You will hear a beautiful and detailed account of the Little Way in the life and writing of St. Therese and her parents, Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin.
You will then learn how to apply the spiritual lessons in the Little Way to your own marriage using four simple steps.

Session 4: “Your Next Step”
You will learn the characteristics of people who enjoy abundant, joyful marriages.
You’ll also get clarity and help on what you can do AFTER the workshop is over to continue to walk in the Little Way of Marriage! We’ve got the answer to the question: What comes next?

Recorded Q/A Calls with Sarah and Nathan
Hear us answer REAL questions from REAL wives and husbands in real time and benefit from our honest advice. Hear us respond to questions like:
- How can we pray as a couple when my husband isn't interested?
- How should I respond to a spouse who is always critical?
- What if my husband isn't religious?
- and much more!

Experience the four-part program
that has helped THOUSANDS of Catholic marriages
re-ignite their spark. ✨
Online Catholic Marriage Transformation
You don't have to fake smiles in public
While struggling behind closed doors.
Learn to let God's grace transform your marriage.
Rediscover your passion and joy!
Why Abundant?
Because Even Faithful Catholic Marriages Struggle
💥 Walking on eggshells
💥 Constant tension or arguments
💥 Or passing like ships in the night and acting more like roommates than lovers.
And the worst part is:
so many wives and husbands put on a happy face in public...
...while thinking they are the only ones struggling behind closed doors!
If you desire more in your marriage
You Deserve Help
You are not alone!
You don't have to resign yourself to a lonely marriage.
Faithful Catholic marriages should be the best! It's tragic that so many don't experience the joy and passion that is rightfully theirs!
But things won't get better on their own.
Abundant can show you the way
Abundant is an on-line, self-paced program that guides Catholic couples through practical steps you can take in your marriage right now to feel the love, connection and passion that God wants for you.
We know what it's like. We've been there!
We hit a low point in our own marriage when we were dealing with:
⛔ the death of a relative
⛔ parent's divorce
⛔ a move across the country
⛔ unemployment and money stress
And when all that life happened to us, an icy atmosphere filled our home, and we felt:
🚫 lonely and distant from each other
🚫 disappointed in each other and in ourselves
🚫 afraid that this was the new normal.
But we found help. Others had been through similar challenges before and showed us the way.
And that is what we do inside Abundant: we show you the way and walk with you on your journey!
We've helped hundreds of couples find more joy, connection, and passion in their marriage.
It's your turn.